Each month in Hub, our goal is to focus on one area of business and provide a month’s worth of content on that subject to help gym owners grow their gym.

This month, we have thoroughly enjoyed focusing on Leadership, Culture, and Community.

All of which are important to constantly be improving both in your life and in your gym. With that in mind, we’ve written a handful of blog posts on leadership and published an inspiring podcast episode with Hoby Darling on culture. And, we’ve uploaded short video courses in Hub on Creating a Contagious Culture and How to Wow Your Clients.

We’ve not only talked about it, though, we’ve also gotten the opportunity to live it out at our 1st annual Hubster Gathering this month where every attendee experienced community and culture in very real and impactful ways. As a team, we’ve never been more passionate about our leadership, culture, and community here at 321Go. 

If Leadership, Culture and Community aren’t a focus of yours, you’re most likely reaping negative consequences in your business. Because if you don’t purposefully focus on building a great culture, it will build itself, and you may not like the results.

Here are a few practical ways you can begin to make your culture and community a place that people tell their friends about:


 1. Determine, Define, and Document your Core Values.

As the owner and person in charge, it is imperative that you have a set of Core Values that you live and run your business by. We recommend you first think through and write out your personal Core Values. As an example, my personal values are: 1) Invest in people with no thought of return; 2) Make quality introductions; 3) Create experiences; 4) Out love. Out give; and, 5) Be thankful and celebrate often. These 5 things govern my daily life. I have them memorized and make my decisions based on them. But… what matters to me may not matter to you. So, you need to think through what really matters to you. One way to do this is to see what really bothers you. These things often highlight the things that you care about. Do you hurt when people are left out? Do you get incensed when you see bullying? Does it drive you nuts when people don’t finish a job? Or, maybe when people don’t call you back? All these things matter to you (or not) because they speak to your Core Values. Personal values need to be more than “integrity”, “respect”, “honesty”, “kindness”, etc. because how respect may be defined by you may mean something totally different to someone else. Making them short, easy to remember phrases will better define your values. Then, once you have these solidified, next step is to write out a set of Core Values for your gym. Here are our values here at 321GoProject: 1) We learn. We create. We give; 2) We will be financially sound so we can invest into relationships; 3) We will never assume because we know that clarity wins; 4) We will lead by example; 5) We will be the leader in delivering an incredible client experience; 6) We will be ethical in our decisions and won’t compromise or take shortcuts. Another great example of company values is Zappos Core Values. If you are clear on your Core Values and your gym’s Core Values, you will attract people who value similar things as you. A great next step once you have these solidified is to put them on a huge banner and hang them in your gym so that you (and your team and members) are reminded of them often. 

2. Every week, take one member out to coffee.

More than anything you do, spending face time with your athletes outside of the gym will build the culture you are looking for. Here are a variety of questions you can ask when with them: 1) Do you feel like you are hitting your goals? 2) How can we better help you with those goals? 3) What would you like to see added (or taken away) from what we’re offering at the gym? 4) How can we better meet your needs? 5) How are you doing? (and really listen to their response on this one). The key during this time is to listen. Ask a question, then really hear their answers. And, don’t be afraid to say “tell me more about that…”. It doesn’t all have to be talk about the gym. There is a huge benefit to getting to know more about them and what makes them tick.

 3. Have weekly staff meetings.

Be transparent in these meetings. Share your business successes and challenges. They are your team for a reason (even if you only have 1 other person on board right now), so it’s important to let them in on what’s really going on in the business so they can celebrate and help solve issues.

 4. Meet with your coaches 1-on-1 at least monthly.

Check in with them, and not just about business but also how they are doing personally. If they feel cared for, they will in turn care for your athletes.

 5. Start a members only private FB group.

As the owner, log into this FB group at least once a day to encourage engagement. Recognize athletes for accomplishments, encourage their progress, share advice and tips, and be available to answer any questions they might have.

 6. Host an event once a month at a restaurant, brewery, or someone’s home.

It’s one thing to work out together; it creates a whole other level of intimacy in building relationships when you eat and drink together.

 7. Have a member create a “Wall of Fame (or Happiness, Celebrations, etc.)”.

The idea here is to visually and publicly celebrate people’s accomplishments. We all like to be noticed. And we tend to stick around more when people show they care by noticing us. Find a member who is a “cheerleader” in your gym – one who makes everyone smile, and approach them about owning this for you.

Whether you like it or not, your culture is created by you. You are the leader. You are the one who sets the tone.

Show me a gym in turmoil and chaos, and I’m fairly certain I’ll be able to find a leader who hasn’t embraced the importance of defining and communicating his or her values, and therefore has allowed the culture to create itself.

But… show me a leader who knows who he or she is, is clear on his/her purpose, and lives by a documented set of values, and I’m fairly certain I’ll find a gym making a lasting difference and attracting people who feel a part of something impactful.

If you’re going to spend your life building something, why not make sure it’s in line with what really matters to you?

Want help?  Sign up for the Dec. 1-21st 21 Day Challenge we are offering through our Hub platform. It’ll help you establish your Marketing Plan for 2018 so you can take even more control of growing your gym in 2018.  

You can reach me directly by email at julie@321goproject.com.