Since we all know affiliate owners get to take the weekends off like the rest of the world (ha! not funny, we know), we thought we would add a bit to your plate. Well, not really, but we do want to make sure you keep thinking big picture and continue to work on your business and not always in it. With that said, every Friday we will be posting a small “homework” assignment to help you and your box keep striving for excellence. We hope this helps in a small way. Enjoy!

Your To Do List

We have a friend who is pathologically addicted to her To Do lists. So much so she even writes down tasks she has already finished and then triumphantly crosses them off. She admits that this is obsessive but also says it gives her a sense of achievement, like using chalk on the floor to keep track of her reps.

Keeping a To Do List a great way to stay organized, as long as you adhere to some guidelines:

  1. Do it. Don’t list it. If it’s a little task, do it and move on. The amount of time we spend composing a list is time that possibly could be put to better use. For example, taking the trash out surely takes little more time than writing “take out trash.” You can replace a roll of toilet paper quicker than you can write “replace tp.” You get the picture.
  2. Be realistic. If you write “remodel gym interior” or “launch new website” at the top of your To Do list, you can best believe it’s not going to happen. Just like you would never set out to do the “Filthy 50” all at once, the key is to break down the work into manageable, smaller pieces. “Remodel gym interior” is replaced with “choose paint samples.” “Launch new website” becomes “select five websites I would like to model.” This way you can keep moving in the right direction and feel a true sense of accomplishment.
  3. Assign tasks. One way to manage our To Dos is to delegate actions to different staff members. Take a good look at what tasks are on your list. Are the tasks for you and you alone? Or are there some jobs that could be handed off to other helpers? Good business managers know the importance of providing their employees with clear assignments. Make sure to assign individuals to every task and watch out for duplication of efforts. Oh, and don’t assign a task to “everyone,” unless you seriously do not want anyone to do it.
  4. Read your list! Be sure to review your To Do list every week. If you have completed the tasks, good for you; now throw the list away. If, on the other hand, the same actions keep showing up week after week, then you may a have a problem. We find it most helpful when there is specific end date for the deliverable, as leaving actions open ended may invite inertia. If nothing is a priority then it’s possible nothing will get done.
  5. Consolidate your list! Smartphones and ipads are the best places for keeping lists. The back of your CrossFit Games program, not so much. Need help getting started? Try these great apps: 2doapp and Toodledo and Wunderlist

Finally, be careful with whom you share your To Do list. The last thing you need is unsolicited advice about what you should be doing.