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We’re excited to bring back an OG to the Sport of Business Podcast – Vaughn Vernon from AffiliateGuard.info.

After working our way through some colorful pre-interview questions, we landed on some solid nuggets to take back to your business. Specifically, we hit on the following:

  • Do I need to take any special considerations when offering a Specialty Class at my gym?
  • Who’s responsible for on-site and off-site events with your staff & members?
  • An expired L1 is a BIG deal.
  • What provisions are in my lease for covering broken/damaged items in the gym?

And here’s the disclaimer: Any advice given is general information and that specific situations can be different.  So please consult with a professional about your specific situation. And, in the words of Mr. Vernon: “When in doubt, fill it out.”

If you’re interested in Vaughn’s colorful commentary that didn’t make it off the editing floor, give him a shout: http://affiliateguard.info & 801.677.0076

