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Last year, our team at 321GoProject looked high and low for quality data about the gym industry.

Data that would help gym owners understand where they are similar, and where they are differentiated. Data that would explain the standards in the industry.

Unfortunately, we found very little that was helpful.

So we created a survey to capture and summarize the thrilling, the good, the bad, and the downright tough parts of being a gym owner.

The result was an overwhelming 1,100+ responses from people just like you. Gym owners celebrating and struggling in the day-to-day.

And the consolidated report was more informative than we could ever have imagined.

In other industries, this kind of rich data would be sold for hundreds of dollars, but our “thank you” to you for filling it out is a free copy of the results summary report.

We’ll do two things with this confidential data:

Use it to continue to deliver free content on our site, and tailor our service offerings to what would be most helpful to you as a gym owner
Send you the consolidated report so you can draw your own conclusions.

We are not asking you to buy anything from us. We simply want to gather collective responses from you and your box owner peers and disseminate that information.

To understand the true benefits and challenges of running a box, it is necessary to ask some questions that may seem personal. Be confident that we will not divulge anything regarding individual responses, but the report will be based on the collective whole.

In order to receive the summary report, please have your survey completed by Thursday, 12/31/15. Again, this report will be FREE to those of you who take the time to fill it out. For all the others, we’ll offer it for purchase at $24.99.

This survey includes 66 multiple choice questions and will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. We encourage you to grab a cup of coffee, a pint of beer, or a glass of wine, turn on some good tunes, and let your voice be heard. Please don’t rush through the questions as your honest feedback is most beneficial and appreciated.

As you know, the fitness market continues to change rapidly. Our goal every day at 321Go is to help affiliate owners prepare for, embrace, and thrive in the midst of these changes. We want you to have a head start over all the globo-gyms and “functional fitness studios” popping up in your town.

Thanks for being willing to provide valuable information about your experience!

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